Hybrid RHCE(7-9)
c.[941 G>T;968 C>A;974 G>T;979 A>G;985 GG>CA;989 A>C;992 A>T;1025 T>C;1048 G>C;1053 C>T;1057 GGA>TGG;1060 GC>AA;1170 T>C;1193 A>T]
G314V, P323H, S325I, I327V, G329H, Y330S, N331I, I342T, D350H, G353W, A354N, E398V
partial RHD
Partial D; D category
Eurasian D cluster
First submission to GenBank: 2000 AB037270 (submitted 2000-01-20, released 2000-01-26)
First full publication: 2000 Hyodo H et. al. Vox Sang. 2000;79(2):116-7.
Partial D (DIVb-like phenotype) Hyodo H et. al. Vox Sang. 2000;79(2):116-7.
2 probands with anti-D; cDE haplotype von Zabern I et. al. Transfusion. 2013 Nov;53(11 Suppl 2):2960-73. doi: 10.1111
Germany (general): von Zabern I et. al. Transfusion. 2013 Nov;53(11 Suppl 2):2960-73. doi: 10.1111
DBT-2 [RHD-RHCe(5-9)-RHD]
DIV type 3 [RHD-RHCE(6-9)-RHD]
DIVb (J) [RHD-RHCE(7-9)-RHD]
RHCE(1-9)-RHD [RHCE(1-9)-RHD]
RHD-RHCE(2-10) [RHD-RHCE(2-10)]
RHD(L110P)-CE(3-9)-D [RHD(L110P)-CE(3-9)-D]
RHD(S68T)-RHCe(3-9)-RHD [RHD(S68T)-RHCE(3-9)-RHD]
RHD-RHCe(2-9)-RHD [RHD-RHCe(2-9)-RHD]
RHD-RHCe(2-9)-RHD1 [RHD-RHCE(3-9)-RHD]
RHD-RHCe(2-9)-RHD2 [RHD-RHCE(3-9)-RHD]
This allele has been described as DIVb (J) as fifth DIV-like allele
Last update: 2019-11-18 (yyyy-MM-dd)