667T>G (F223V)
676G>C (A226P)
F223V, A226P
partial RHD
Partial D
Eurasian D cluster
First submission to GenBank: 1999 AJ131502 (submitted 1998-12-15)
First full publication: 2008 Flegel WA et. al. Transfusion. 2008 Jan;48(1):25-33. Epub 2007 Sep 27.
Antigen Dw negative Flegel WA et. al. Transfusion. 2008 Jan;48(1):25-33. Epub 2007 Sep 27.
Austria (general): Polin H et. al. Transfusion. 2007 Aug;47(8):1350-5.
China (general): 1 of 32 samples with variant D phenotype He J et. al. Transfusion. 2015 Jan;55(1):137-43. doi: 10.1111/trf.12797. Epub 2014 Jul 29.
DVI type 1 [RHD-RHcE(4-5)-RHD]
DBS-0 [RHD-RHcE(5:667-5:712)-RHD]
DBS-1 [RHD-RHcE(5:667-5:800)-RHD]
DBS-2 [RHD-RHcE(5:667-5:697)-RHD]
DBU [RHD-cE(5-7;226P)-D]
RHD-cE(5-6)-D [RHD-cE(5-6)-D]
This allele was first mentioned in abstract form 1998
Last update: 2018-05-23 (yyyy-MM-dd)