Caution: This structure most likely does not exist
178A>C (I60L)
455A>C (N152T)
602C>G (T201R)
667T>G (F223V)
787G>A (G263R)
No designation assigned
c.[178 A>C;455 A>C;602 C>G;667 T>G;744 C>T;787 G>A;1170 T>C]
I60L, N152T, T201R, F223V, G263R
Partial D
DIVa cluster
First submission to GenBank: 1999 AF187846 (submitted 1999-09-18, released 1999-10-31)
No data
African ancestry (general): 60 DIIIa samples including the original ones did not possess this structure Westhoff CM et. al. Transfusion. 2010 Jun;50(6):1303-11. Epub 2010 Jan 15.
RHCE(1-9)-RHD [RHCE(1-9)-RHD]
RHD-RHCE(2-10) [RHD-RHCE(2-10)]
This allele in unlikely to exist. Samples assigned to this allele most likely represented DIII type 5This structure is the structure originally submitted to GenBank as underlying the DIIIa phenotype. It is likely non-existent, since the original samples were later shown to contain a structure previously described as DIII type 5.
Last update: 2012-03-25 (yyyy-MM-dd)