209G>A (R70Q)
RHD* 01W.85
RHD*weak D type 85
c.209 G>A
Arg to Gln at codon 70
weak D
weak D type; weakened D expression
Eurasian D cluster
First submission to GenBank: 2010 FN998904 (submitted 2010-07-06, released 2010-07-17)
Other relevant descriptions:
HF934041 (submitted 2013-03-12, released 2013-05-03)
Austria (general): HF934041
Germany (general): FN998904
India (general): Fichou Y et. al. Transfusion. 2018 Feb 25. doi: 10.1111/trf.14552.
DAU-2 [RHD(R70Q,S333N,T379M)]
Last update: 2018-05-23 (yyyy-MM-dd)